Quality and Trust in LLM-generated Code. Claudio Spiess, David Gros, Kunal Suresh Pai, Michael Pradel, Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Susmit Jha, Prem Devanbu, Toufique Ahmed. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE May 2025 (Accepted).
Breaking the Programming Language Barrier: Multilingual Prompting to Empower Non-Native English Learners. James Prather, Brent Reeves, Paul Denny, Juho Leinonen, Stephen MacNeil, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, João Orvalho, Amin Alipour, Ali Alfageeh, Thezyrie Amarouche, Bailey Kimmel, Jared Wright, Musa Blake and Gweneth Barbre. Australasian Computing Education Conference, Jan 2025.
Student-AI Interaction: A Case Study of CS1 students. Matin Amoozadeh, Daye Nam, Daniel Prol, Ali Alfageeh, James Prather, Michael Hilton, Sruti Srinivasa Ragavan, Mohammad Amin Alipour. In Proceedings of the 24th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 13, 1–13.
Measuring Impacts of Poisoning on Model Parameters and Embeddings for Large Language Models of Code. Aftab Hussain, Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Mohammad Amin Alipour. 1st ACM International Conference on AI-powered Software (AIware). July 2024.
Trojans in Large Language Models of Code: A Critical Review through a Trigger-Based Taxonomy. Aftab Hussain, Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Toufique Ahmed, Bowen Xu, Premkumar Devanbu, Mohammad Amin Alipour. 1st ACM International Conference on AI-powered Software (AIware), July 2024
On Trojan Signatures in Large Language Models of Code. Aftab Hussain, Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Mohammad Amin Alipour. ICLR 2024 Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Large Language Models
Trust in Generative AI among students: An Exploratory Study. Matin Amoozadeh, David Daniels, Daye Nam, Aayush Kumar, Stella Chen, Michael Hilton, Sruti Srinivasa Ragavan and Mohammad Amin Alipour. Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE TS) 2024.
Mult-objective test selection of smart contracts and blockchain applications. Bader Alkhazi, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. PeerJ Computer Science. Oct. 2023.
Towards Characterizing Trust in Generative Artificial Intelligence among Students. Matin Amoozadeh, David Daniels, Stella Chen, Daye Nam, Aayush Kumar, Michael Hilton, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Sruti Srinivasa Ragavan. ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER) 2023 (LT&P Track).
A Study of Variable-Role-based Feature Enrichment in Neural Models of Code. Aftab Hussain, Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Bowen Xu, David LO and Mohammad Amin Alipour. International Workshop on Interpretability and Robustness in Neural Software Engineering. (InteNSE'23)
Study of Distractors in Neural Models of Code. Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Aftab Hussain, Sahil Suneja, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. International Workshop on Interpretability and Robustness in Neural Software Engineering (InteNSE'23)
Memorization and generalization in neural code intelligence models, Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Aftab Hussain, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Vincent J. Hellendoorn. Information and Software Technology, Volume 153, 2023.
Code2Snapshot: Using Code Snapshots for Learning Representations of Source Code. Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin and Mohammad Amin Alipour. IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications. (ICMLA 2022)
Syntax-Guided Program Reduction for Understanding Neural Code Intelligence Models. Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Aftab Hussain and Mohammad Amin Alipour. 6th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Machine Programming. (MAPS 2022)
FMViz: Visualizing Tests Generated by AFL at the Byte-level. Aftab Hussain and Mohammad Amin Alipour (work in-progress)
Removing Uninteresting Bytes in Software Fuzzing. Aftab Hussain and Mohammad Amin Alipour. 5th International Workshop on the Next Level of Test Automation (NEXTA 2022).
On the Generalizability of Neural Program Models with respect to Semantic-Preserving Program Transformations. Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Nghi DQ Bui, Yijun Yu, Lingxiao Jiang, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. SANER (2022). Journal-First Paper
Computer Science Students’ Perceptions of Emergency Remote Teaching: An Experience Report. Giulia Toti, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. SN Computer Science. 2, 378 (2021).
Memorization and Generalization in Neural Code Intelligence Models. Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Aftab Hussain, Vincent Hellendoorn, and Mohammad Amin Alipour.
Understanding Neural Code Intelligence Through Program Simplification. Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Vincent Hellendoorn, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) 2021.
On the Generalizability of Neural Program Models with respect to Semantic-Preserving Program Transformations. Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Nghi DQ Bui, Yijun Yu, Lingxiao Jiang, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. Information and Software Technology Journal (2021).
Configuring Test Generators using Bug Reports: A Case Study of GCC Compiler and Csmith. Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Mohammad Amin Alipour. ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2021).
Towards Demystifying Dimensions of Source Code Embeddings. Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Arjun Mukherjee, Omprakash Gnawali, Mohammad Amin Alipour. ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Representation Learning for Software Engineering and Program Languages. Nov. 2020.
Student Adoption and Perceptions of a Web Integrated Development Environment; An Experience Report. Martin Velez, Michael Yen, Mathew Le, Zhendong Su, Mohammad Amin Alipour. ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium (SIGCSE 2020). Portland, OR, March 2020.
Smart Contract Development from the Perspective of Developers: Topics and Issues Discussed on Social Media. Afiya Ayman, Shanto Roy, Mohammad Amin Alipour and Aron Laszka. 4th Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts}. Feb 2020. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
K-CONFIG: Using Failing Test Cases to Generate Test Cases in GCC Compilers Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin and Mohammad Amin Alipour. 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2019). Late Breaking Research-Track. San Diego, CA, November 2019.
Testing Neural Program Analyzers Md Rafiqul Islam Rabin, Ke Wang, Mohammad Amin Alipour. 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2019). Late Breaking Research-Track. San Diego, CA, November 2019.
Topics of Concern: Identifying User Issues in Reviews of IoT Apps and Devices Andrew Truelove, Farah Naz Chowdhury, Omprakash Gnawali, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering Research & Practices for the Internet of Things (Colocated with the 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2019). Montréal, QC, Canada, 27 May 2019.
Question Relatedness on Stack Overflow: The Task, Dataset, and Corpus-inspired Model. Amirreza Shirani, Bowen Xu, David Lo, Thamar Solorio and Mohammad Amin Alipour. AAAI 2019 Reasoning and Complex QA Workshop. Honolulu, HI, January 28, 2019.
Reduce Before You Localize: Delta-Debugging and Spectrum-Based Fault Localization. Arpit Christi, Matthew Olson, Mohammad Amin Alipour, and Alex Groce. IEEE International Workshop on Debugging and Repair(IDEAR). Memphis, TN; Oct 15 2018.
On the Naturalness of Proofs. Vincent Hellendoorn, Premkumar Devanbu, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. The 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) (NIER Track). Lake Buena Vista, Florida, November 4-9, 2018.
Prediction of Relatedness in Stack Overflow: Deep Learning vs. SVM. Bowen Xu, Amirreza Shirani, David Lo and Mohammad Amin Alipour. 12th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. Oulu, Finland, October 11-12, 2018. Won the Highly Commended Paper Award
Evaluation of Type Inference with Textual Cues. Amirreza Shirani, A. Pastor Lopez-Monroy, Fabio Gonzalez, Thamar Solorio and Mohammad Amin Alipour. Workshop on NLP for Software Engineering, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 2, 2018.
Fault Injection in the Internet of Things Applications. Mohammad Amin Alipour. 1st ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Testing Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, Santa Barbara, CA, July 2017.
Mutation Reduction Strategies Considered Harmful. Rahul Gopinath, Iftekhar Ahmed, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Carlos Jensen, and Alex Groce. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 2017.
Mitigating (and Exploiting) Test Reduction Slippage. Josie Holmes, Alex Groce, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. 7th Workshop on Automated Software Testing (A-TEST), Seattle, Washington, November 2016.
Evaluating Non-adequate Test-Case Reduction. Mohammad Amin Alipour, August Shi, Rahul Gopinath, Darko Marinov, and Alex Groce. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Singapore, Singapore, September 2016.
Generating Random Tests Using Directed Swarm Testing. Mohammad Amin Alipour, Alex Groce, Rahul Gopinath, and Arpit Christi. ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, Saarbrucken, Germany, July 2016.
Does Choice of Mutation Tool Matter? Rahul Gopinath, Iftekhar Ahmed, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Carlos Jensen, and Alex Groce. Software Quality Journal, 1-50, May 2016.
On the Limits of Mutation Reduction Strategies. Rahul Gopinath, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Iftekhar Ahmed, Carlos Jensen, and Alex Groce. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, Austin, Texas, May 2016.
Measuring Effectiveness of Mutant Sets. Rahul Gopinath, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Iftekhar Ahmed, Carlos Jensen, and Alex Groce. International Workshop on Mutation Analysis, Chicago, Illinois, April 2016.
Cause Reduction: Delta Debugging, Even Without Bugs. Alex Groce, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Chaoqiang Zhang, Yang Chen, and John Regehr. Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 26(1):40-68, January 2016.
How Hard Does Mutation Analysis Have to Be, Anyway? Rahul Gopinath, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Iftekhar Ahmed, Carlos Jensen, and Alex Groce. IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 2015.
Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites. Milos Gligoric, Alex Groce, Chaoqiang Zhang, Rohan Sharma, Mohammad Amin Alipour, and Darko Marinov. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 24(4):4-37, August 2015.
Coverage and Its Discontents. Alex Groce, Mohammad Amin Alipour, and Rahul Gopinath. ACM Symposium on New Ideas in Programming and Reflections on Software, Onward! Essays, part of SPLASH (ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity), pages 255–268, Portland, Oregon, October 2014.
Using Test Case Reduction and Prioritization to Improve Symbolic Execution. Chaoqiang Zhang, Alex Groce, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, (ISSTA’14), pages 60–70, San Jose, California, July 2014.
MuCheck: an Extensible Tool for Mutation Testing of Haskell Programs. Duc Le, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Rahul Gopinath, and Alex Groce. ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, (ISSTA’14) pages 429–432, San Jose, California, July 2014.
Cause Reduction for Quick Testing. Alex Groce, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Chaoqiang Zhang, Yang Chen, and John Regehr. IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, pages 243–252, Cleveland, Ohio, March-April 2014. Best Paper Award. Won Best Paper Award
An Empirical Comparison of Mutant Selection Approaches. Rahul Gopinath, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Iftekhar Ahmed, Carlos Jensen, and Alex Groce. Technical Report, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Oregon State University, April 2014.
Help, Help, I’m Being Suppressed! The Significance of Suppressors in Software Testing. Alex Groce, Chaoqiang Zhang, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Eric Eide, Yang Chen, and John Regehr. IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, pages 390–399, Pasadena, California, November 2013.
Comparing Non-adequate Test Suites using Coverage Criteria. Milos Gligoric, Alex Groce, Chaoqiang Zhang, Rohan Sharma, Mohammad Amin Alipour, and Darko Marinov. ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, pages 302–313, Lugano, Switzerland, July 2013. Invited for journal submission to ACM TOSEM.
Finding Model-Checkable Needles in Large Source Code Haystacks: Modular Bug-Finding via Static Analysis and Dynamic Invariant Discovery. Mohammad Amin Alipour, Alex Groce, Chaoqiang Zhang, Anahita Sanadaji, and Gokul Caushik. International Workshop on Constraints in Formal Verification, San Jose, California, November 2013.
Lightweight Automated Testing with Adaptation-Based Programming. Alex Groce, Alan Fern, Jervis Pinto, Tim Bauer, Mohammad Amin Alipour, Martin Erwig, and Camden Lopez. IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, pages 161–170, Dallas, Texas, November 2012.
Learning-Based Test Programming for Programmers. Alex Groce, Alan Fern, Martin Erwig, Jervis Pinto, Tim Bauer, and Amin Alipour. 5th International Symposium of Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, pages 572-586, Crete, Greece, October 2012.
Extended Program Invariants: Applications in Testing and Fault Localization. Mohammad Amin Alipour and Alex Groce. International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis, pages 7–11, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 2012.
Bounded Model Checking and Feature Omission Diversity. Mohammad Amin Alipour and Alex Groce. International Workshop on Constraints in Formal Verification, San Jose, California, November 2011.
Identifying Satisfying Subsets: A Method for Algorithmic Correction of Inter-thread Synchronization Mechanisms. Ali Ebnenasir, and Mohammad Amin Alipour. Technical Report CS-TR-10-01, Department of Computer Science, Michigan Technological University, March 2010.
Computer Calculation of the Wiener Index of One-Pentagonal Carbon Nanocone. Mohammad Amin Alipour, and Ali Reza Ashrafi. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, vol 4, no 1, March 2009.
Urban Signal Control using Intelligent Agents. Mohammad Amin Alipour, and Saeed Jalili. International FLINS Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence, Geneva, Italy, August 2006.
Reactive Agent for Urban Traffic Control. Mohammad Amin Alipour. International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, Clearwater Beach,Florida, May 2005.